How can we help?
For more information about our nurseries, contact us directly.
About us
What are your opening hours? We are open from 7.30am-6pm Monday to Friday offering a variety of different session times.
When do you close? We are closed on Bank holidays and between Christmas and New year.
How do we find out about our child’s day? The Famly software programme along with the Famly app helps to bring our parents closer by providing and sharing information. Communication/Parent Partnership, with Daily updates, instant messaging, and automatic reminders. Parents can engage by liking and commenting on posts, they can report illnesses or days off from home and review nappy changes, sleeps and more from the activity feed. Learning Journals, allowing parents to follow their child’s development and education, with excellent newsfeed updates.
Ofsted; view our Inspection report…..
Joining nursery
Can I visit? We welcome the opportunity to show you around our nurseries so that you can see all we have to offer and ask any questions you may have. Please either complete an enquiry form via the nursery page or contact us by email or phone and we will happily arrange a showround.
How do I register? We will send you a registration form to complete via adobe sign, we will require this along with a £70 settling in fee, once these are received we can book your nursery place.
What happens once we have a nursery place? We will ask you to complete an ‘All about you’ form to share all about your child’s routines, likes and dislikes etc
What is the settling in process? You will be invited in for a two hours induction with your child’s new key person or the room Educational Lead. The purpose of this meeting is to present you with the opportunity to go through your child’s ‘All About You’ form with our professional member of staff and discuss any queries you have, as well as to share with the staff all the information they need to know about your child to ensure we can give them the care needed to support their journey at nursery. Your child will then attend a two hour settle session that you will drop them off at Nursery and allow them to enjoy time in their new environment.
Leaving nursery
Do I need to give notice to end our nursery place? Yes, we require 4 weeks notice in writing to cancel a nursery place. Nursery fees are payable throughout the notice period.
My child is leaving for school, do I need to give notice? We will presume your child is leaving nursery on 31st August unless you tell us otherwise. If you want your child to leave nursery prior to 31st August you will need to give 4 weeks notice. If you want your child to attend after 31st August you will need to inform us with a minimum of 4 weeks notice.
When does funding end? Funding ends on 31st August for children leaving for school. Any sessions attended after this date are payable in full.
Is there a deposit? We require a £200 deposit before your child starts nursery with us, this is a retainer which is held on your account and deducted from your final nursery invoice.
How do we pay? Nursery invoices are sent out via email at the beginning of the month and invoices are payable by 20th of each month. We accept payment via bank transfer, tax free childcare, cash or card (card payments are subject to a 2% card fee). Invoices are annualised so that you can set up a regular monthly payment. You can also view your account at anytime via the Famly app.
Will the fees change? We annually review our nursery fees and will provide you with a minimum of 1 months notice of any increases
Do you offer any discounts? We offer a 5% sibling discount deducted from your older child’s nursery fees
Will I be charged for holidays? Bank holidays and any holidays/absences from nursery are payable
Will I be charged if I’m late paying? Dependent on circumstances and your communication with us we may charge a £5 late payment fee per day until payment is received.
Will I be charged if I’m late collecting my child? We may charge a £15 late payment fee if you are more than 15 minutes late collecting your child and we have had to organise staffing to accommodate this.
All funding enquiries and submission of funding codes and supporting documentation must be sent to funding@climbinghighnurseries.co.uk
Can we claim funding? If you wish to take up your funded nursery education/childcare with Climbing High Nurseries, you are required to complete and sign a ‘Parental Declaration’ on a termly basis, detailing how and when you will take up the funded hours.
How much funding can we claim?: We can claim a maximum of 11 universal hours and 11 extended hours per week over 51 weeks. We can claim a maximum of 10 hours funding per day.
Can we claim 2 year funding? We accept 2 year funding, check your eligibility via www.childcarechoices.co.uk
Can we claim 30 hours funding: Check your eligibility for the extended funded hours via 30 hours free childcare - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Do I have to pay when claiming funding?: Our charges will not be made in respect of the funded sessions as detailed in the ‘Parental Declaration’, but we are entitled to make a reasonable charge for meals or additional activities provided during any funded hours. Meals are charged at the normal rate.
Any additional hours your child attends over and above the free hours are charged at the normal rate. We charge a settling in fee which is to cover administration costs and settle session costs prior to children joining nursery.
Food & mealtime
What meals will be provided? Our menus are planned in advance, and are rotated regularly in order to ensure we provide variety and cultural diversity. We offer breakfast between 7.30am and 8.45am, a mid morning snack, Lunch is then served between 11.15am and 12.30pm, this is a freshly prepared hot meal followed by pudding. A hot or cold afternoon tea is served between 3 and 4pm.
Do you provide vegan/vegetarian alternatives? Yes, we are able to accommodate alternative diets
Do you provide milk? We provide cows milk and an alternative. Formula must be provided by yourselves in its original packaging.
My child has an allergy, how do you provide for this? We will work with you to provide suitable food for your Child, if they have a special dietary requirement or any allergies as diagnosed by a doctor or dietician. Dietary requirements will be recorded on famly as well as displayed in our kitchen and rooms for the team to see. We use colour coded allergy bowls to serve our meals. If your child has a severe allergy we will work with you to create a care plan.
Can we bring a birthday cake to nursery? We will allow birthday cakes into nursery; however, we ask that these cakes are completely free of peanut butter and nut products, the cake’s need to be in their original packaging which provides a full list of all ingredients.
Nursery day
Can my child sleep at nursery? Yes, we have a designated sleep room for under two’s where they can follow their routine from home with regards to sleep times. Over two’s are offered a sleep after lunch if required.
Where will my child sleep? We have a designated sleep room for babies. Toddlers, two’s and preschooler’s will sleep in designated sleep areas either indoor or outdoor.
Do I need to provide nappies? Yes, we ask you to provide your own nappies (disposable or reusable), wipes and nappy cream
Can you support potty training? Yes, we can work alongside you with potty training. Your key person can offer support with this.
What do we need to bring each day? A least one change of clothes (more if potty training), outdoor wear for the weather including waterproofs, wellies, coat, sunhat and suncream.
Health & safety
What happens If we need to send someone else to collect our child? All adults with authorisation to collect your child from nursery must be recorded as a contact on Famly along with their contact details and a photo. You must provide us with a password for use when collecting children from nursery.
What happens If I don’t collect on time? If you are running late we ask that you keep us informed.
What happens If my child is unwell? Children should not be left at nursery if they are unwell. If a child is unwell then they will prefer to be at home with their parent(s) rather than at nursery with their peers. If a child becomes ill during the nursery day and deemed by staff as unfit to be at nursery, their parent(s) will be contacted and asked to pick their child up as soon as possible
What happens if there is a Contagious illness: is vital that we follow the advice given to us by our registering authority and exclude specific contagious conditions, e.g. sickness and diarrhoea and chicken pox to protect other children in the nursery. If a contagious infection is identified in the nursery, parents will be informed to enable them to spot the early signs of this illness.
Can you administer medication? We are able to give child prescribed medication as long as the named label and instructions are with the medication. We can administer Paracetamol or Antihistamine in an emergency, e.g. If your child has an extremely high temperature and you are on your way to collect them or they have had an allergic reaction
How do you safeguard children? We follow a safer recruitment procedure including references and DBS checks for our staff. We have a Child protection/safeguarding policy in place.
What happens if my child has an accident at nursery? If a child has an accident whilst at nursery appropriate first aid will be administered if required, If any follow-up care is needed we will contact parents/emergency contacts regarding organising this. An accident form will be completed which will be shared with parents/carers upon collection.
What type of activities will my child take part in? Your child will have access to activities and environments that will encourage them to explore and be curious.
How often will my child have access to the outdoors? Each Climbing High Nurseries nursery will allow children to have access to the outdoors every day.
How will my child be taught at nursery? Your child will learn skills and gain information through play opportunities.
How will my child’s development be assessed? Throughout our educational development cycle children will be assessed using the Birth to Five matters document. This assessment will be made available to you through the Family app.
Who will write my child’s assessment? Your child’s assessment will be written by their key person, or secondary key person.
If there are any concerns about my child’s development, who can I contact? Your child’s key person will be able to help you with any questions you may have about your child’s development.
How will my child’s development be shared with other professionals? If your child leaves Climbing High Nurseries to go to another setting or school, a copy of their most recent assessment will be sent to their next setting with permission from yourself
Will we complete a two year check? Yes. Your child will receive a two year check where appropriate so support you with your appointment with your health visitor.
Learning journey
Will I have access to my child’s learning journey throughout their time at Climbing High Nurseries? Yes. Your child’s learning journey will be accessible through their Family account for as long as they are still at the setting.
Can I download my child’s learning journey? Yes. On Family there is the option to download the learning journey for you to keep.
Who will have access to my child’s learning journey? Staff members within the team and contacts saved as ‘parent’ on Family will have access to your child’s learning journey.
What is the educational development cycle? The educational development cycle is the clear and precise system Climbing High Nurseries uses to assess and plan for children’s individual level of achievement, interests and learning styles.
How often will I receive observations on my child? You will receive 4 observations within a 4 month period throughout the educational development cycle.
Who will write my child’s observations? Your child’s key person is responsible for ensuring that your child has 4 observations per educational development cycle, however the observation may be written by another member of staff who has spent time with your child and was with them during the time the observation was witnessed.
Can I share observations from home? Yes, please do! On Family, there is a whole section to share observations from home called ‘parent observations’ it is always great to share experiences with the nursery.
Sharing information
How will I receive daily updates from the nursery? Each day on Family, you will receive daily updates about your child’s day. These updates will include nappy changes, meals and activities they have taken part in.
How will my child’s development be shared with other professionals? If your child leaves Climbing High Nurseries to go to another setting or school, a copy of their most recent assessment will be sent to their next setting with permission from yourself
How can I update the nursery with information about my child? You can send a message to your child’s key person via the Family app, or email the nursery to inform them of any information changes regarding your child.
Nursery team & rooms
How many team members will be in each room? We follow the statutory guidance on ratios: 1-3 for children under two year, 1-4 for two year olds and 1-8 for 3 years plus
What qualifications do your staff have? Our teams’ qualifications range from apprentices to Level 6 qualifications, we encourage personal development through supporting our staff to complete and achieve a wide range of training and qualifications.